Anyone know what ELDS is? How about SEALNet? :D
Well, ELDS stands for English Literature and Debate Society, an organization (extraco) at Sutomo 1, an english club that has given me many new experiences, and born a new Claristy, well, if I can say. I'm currently being ELDS' vice president. This is an amazing experience for me, to handle ELDS. I hope more people will join ELDS, for it will help you in improving your public speaking and critical thinking, by debating.
Then, SEALNet stands for SouthEast Asia Leadership Networking, an organization based on MIT and Standford University. I'd just joined one summer project last June, and I feel really honored to be chosen as the SEALNet's president now. SEALNet will soon be an extraco in Sutomo 1, our mission is to help youth in having a leadership skills, improving public speaking, and of course, serving the society. We're going to do some outreaches during our project, visiting orphanage and something like that. Unfortunately, not everyone can join SEALNet, it has restricted seats - 100. So, people, if you're active and really interested, contact me for further information. Cheers !!