Monday, October 31, 2011


Aloha! Haven’t been able to post anything since last August because I was too busy to be true. And believe it or not, busy weekends are waiting for me. I’ll have speech competitions, news reading competitions, friends’ birthday parties, SEALNet’s outreaches,and ya.. my birthday. 

Talking about my speech competition, I still got nothing to write for the topic confuses me so much. Eric Thomas – my discuss mate – is having his exam now so I won’t disturb him but only sending some goodlucks. So, my topic is ‘Building character through library’ how was it guys?

I’m still finding place for creating a feast for my birthday. But some of the places I’d come isn’t suitable for me, either in spaces or prices. Bzzzz I’d never known that finding a place for feast will be this hard.

I really wish that I could find some places to laze and relax myself from this hectic month, but November, you’re the reason why I transform to a full-of-beans girl.

Monday, August 1, 2011


ehem, I'm trying some quizes, one of them reveals my true jobs and I just kinda.. surprised hahaha see this list.

* attorney
* carpenter
* coach
* computer system analyst
* construction worker
* contractor
* detective
* emergency medical technician
* engineer
* entrepreneur
* farmer
* firefighter
* management consultant
* mechanic
* military personnel
* paramedic
* performer
* police officer
* professional athlete
* real-estate agent
* sales representative
* stockbroker
* technician
* transportation operator

lol, if you guys wanna try, go to ;)

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Anyone know what ELDS is? How about SEALNet? :D
Well, ELDS stands for English Literature and Debate Society, an organization (extraco) at Sutomo 1, an english club that has given me many new experiences, and born a new Claristy, well, if I can say. I'm currently being ELDS' vice president. This is an amazing experience for me, to handle ELDS. I hope more people will join ELDS, for it will help you in improving your public speaking and critical thinking, by debating.

Then, SEALNet stands for SouthEast Asia Leadership Networking, an organization based on MIT and Standford University. I'd just joined one summer project last June, and I feel really honored to be chosen as the SEALNet's president now. SEALNet will soon be an extraco in Sutomo 1, our mission is to help youth in having a leadership skills, improving public speaking, and of course, serving the society. We're going to do some outreaches during our project, visiting orphanage and something like that. Unfortunately, not everyone can join SEALNet, it has restricted seats - 100. So, people, if you're active and really interested, contact me for further information. Cheers !!

Monday, June 13, 2011

pra-NSDC and Holi-day-s.

NSDC, hmm too many stories are made there. Drops of tear fell down, joy and laughter popped out too. For your information, I was not in the top 15 best speakers. But fortunately, Sumut team wins the third place of the competition yeayy !!
ehem. I was terribly knocked down when I know I didn't make it to top 15, and I won't lie to you, I cried that night. Thing's getting worse when my teammates aren't there to comfort me, and I won't forget the time when it is only Vivian (Kepulauan Riau) that accompanied me and listened to me yet she couldn't stop me from crying. I slept crying that night. And I still manage to smile in the next morning. And you know what did I find out in the morning? Win Fortunata's text. I won't type what he wrote to me, because his text made me cried even harder than before. And typing those here will force me crying again. He is the one that knocked my mental down before NSDC, yet he is the one that built my mental up after I lose. He could be annoying sometimes, but he's the only one that could understand my condition that time. Thankyou so much Win.

After a tiring seven-day-competition in NSDC, I moved to CBD to stay with my cousins, I go shopping, swimming, watching DVDs, and playing cards with them hahaha and those really helped me to relieve all of these stresssssssssssss :D
thankyou so much for the people who had been the important parts of my life, and last but not least, thanks God for the experience. Love you.

Monday, May 23, 2011

oh yea nsdc is getting nearer.

NSDC - National Schools of Debating Championship. Hello? Are you ready for it? well, I would answer 50-50 ehem. The motions that they'd given to us that is too scary and confusing! How am I supposed to say I'm ready in this kind of situation?? (T.T)
It's 3days more and I'll fly to Jakarta to join NSDC. I'm kinda scared, but I know I must not disappoint my teammates. Claristy you need to be strong BOOM !!

Today is the last day being in 2science3. We took many pics. Most of the pics are dominated by kekel's face. because he's going to continue his study at KL and we won't meet his fat and he next year. kel, I will extremely miss you. I vow.


Ehem. Yesterday was my three-month-anniversary with Mr.W hahaha we spent some hours in Pizza Hut to have lunch. There's a reason why we spent a day there to celebrate our anniversary, it's because.......... we won't meet for the next two/three weeks bcs I'll be at Jakarta. I will miss him, ya because we spend almost every single day together( alay? lol ) I will miss mama and all of the families too, indeed :'(

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


“ Oh God, another tasks?? “ That’s what I said in the civics lesson today. Yes, we got another task! Tadaaa!! Heaps of homework has been waiting for me like seriously. I haven’t touched any of them. I need to make a short story for the Indonesian lesson, a flash project for the computer lesson, chemistry homework, and……. a video for the civics lesson. Oh God, typing them stressed me out, so how about doing them? Okay I gotta stop complaining, and start doing. I’m gotta start with my short story first, followed by my flash project, chemistry’s, and finally video. Okay, Jia You Claristy !!
Em, another task, I need to go to salon to have my haircut. My hair is really in such a mess, I think o___o mama should help me in this task.
Okay, I gotta start my task. See you soon !!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baa Baa Baa BAA !!

Em, let me think about what I wanna share today.. >_______________<
Baa !! I don't have any morning lessons today, and this is so great !! I don't need to wake up early in the morning, and the best thing is.. I can watch Spongebob Squarepants !! :D 
Time moves so fast today, we spend 2 Chemistry lessons in the afternoon and two-hour tuition at SC. Spending time talking and gossiping with them was so great hehehe, they are funny yet crazy. Ya, Sharen and Sisca have been the important people in my school-life. How am I supposed to spend my school-life without them? oh God, thank you for sending me them, the amazing friends. :)
Another story, em. 3days to go, and it will be our second-month anniversary. Thinking about that made me absolutely hilarious!! It has been two months since that confession he did which made me smile the whole day. And let's see how we are gotta spend our second-month anniversary. Oh God I'm so impatient !! >v<

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hello blog !!

Aloha ! em, kinda awkward typing here because.. it is my first post. I made this blog simply because I want to know and try what blogging is. Because many of my friends have this kind of blog, and it is really exciting to see how they can pour their feelings here and they can enhance their English skill! So I can see many advantages of blogging.:D :D okay, i gotta learn more about blogging! Wish me luck!
The key of happiness is, thanking God.